Keep Your Faith Simple Ministries
“Helping Believers Cope in the Information Age”
Dr. Hedley Headrocks. Ph.D., DD., Ed.D., Etc., author of the best-selling,
Christians in the Age of Information: How to Keep Your Faith Simple and From the Heart, live and in-person with his highly acclaimed
Keep Your Faith Simple
Seminar & Conference
March 17,18,19,20 and 21, 2004
First Metro Area Central Faith Christian Community Bible Church
471365 East 427th West (follow the searchlights)
Make your reservations early for this once-in-a-lifetime event!
Dr. Headrocks will address such timely issues as,
Why it is essential to keep your faith simple.
How to remove the clutter.
Can faith be too simple?
How to know if your faith is simple enough.
The simple husband.
The simply irresistible wife.
Plus over 187 additional topics!
All registered participants will receive a syllabus plus copies of the
Keep Your Faith Simple Workbook, (Volumes I, II, & III)
Also available for purchase: the 2,219 page
Keep Your Faith Simple Resource Manual.
About the Facilitator
Dr. Hedley Headrocks graduated Magna Cum Laude from the East-South Central University of Northern New England and holds additional degrees from Northwestern, Southeastern, and Midcentral Colleges. His Doctorate of Divinity is from the Central Manhattan School of Confectionery Delights and he has completed numerous courses through Writerscramp Correspondence School. Author of numerous books, hundreds of articles, and a series of children’s videos, Headrocks is also the founder and president of Keep Your Faith Simple Ministries, Keep Your Faith Simple Publications, and the Keep Your Faith Simple Broadcasting Network.
Dr. Headrocks believes many people would like to keep their faith simple, but simply do not know how. He feels that simply wanting to simplify is simply not enough. His mission is to:
“Empower individuals and communities of individuals through research, development and timely dissemination of intellectual, spiritual and social resources relevant to the essential process of maintaining a simple faith”.
He is currently developing the Simple Faith Database, which is presently capable of accessing over 40,000 documents relating to simple faith. Dr. Headrocks and his staff of 160 full-time assistants can be visited on the Internet at:
“For me, as well as, I am sure, countless other conference-goers and their fellow attendees, the high-point as well as the most outstandingly constructive and helpful session of the entire time we spent at the conference was Dr. Headrocks’ Teaching entitled, “Removing redundancy, repetition and verbal clutter from our conversations, our relationships, our thought-patterns and our lives”. I simply cannot say enough…” ” …it bears repeating: for me, as well as, I am sure, countless other conference-goers and their fellow attendees, the high-point…”
– Wayne Verble, Talkerstown, Pennsylvania
“Dr. Headrocks is a godsend! When he said ‘don’t put us teachers on a pedestal, we’re only human,’ it really hit home to me. With that simple teaching, Dr. Headrocks changed my life forever! I would go anywhere, anytime to hear him again. He is gifted with an almost super-human ability to discern and communicate truth and certainly ranks as one of the greatest spiritual leaders of our generation…”
– Annette Flutterhart, Idolwild, Colorado
“Tears streamed down my face as I watched Dr. Headrocks on the closed circuit TV screen in the overflow crowd room as he spoke on the need in our lives for solitude. The tears were partly from the recognition of my own intense desire to get alone, and partly because at least three people were stepping on my feet…”
– Arlene S., Beemerville, Kansas
How To Register:
Important: follow all instructions carefully!
1. Call the toll-free Keep Your Faith Simple Ministries Conference Registration Hotline to request a registration packet. You will be assigned a unique Personal Identification Number. Write this number down and keep it handy at all times. If you lose it it will be impossible to further process your registration.
2. When you receive the Registration Packet, carefully remove each item and make sure you have the following: Personal Information Form (6 pages), Reference Forms (3), Questionnaire (16 pages), Financial Worksheet/Scholarship Applications (88 pages), Payment Booklet, Instructions (120 pages), Keep Your Faith Simple Resources Catalog (1128 pages)
3. Fill out each of the forms completely, except for the Reference Forms which are to be filled out by your three references and mailed directly to Keep Your Faith Simple Ministries.
4. Attach copy of your most recent schedule 1040 Federal tax return form to the Financial Worksheet/Scholarship Application. Provide all information requested. Cost of the conference is based on a sliding scale determined by income and the following formula: Cost of conference = annual income times (4687903.619 ÷ 4687903.619)
5. Indicate whether payment will be made by cash, check, money order, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express, Diner’s Club, Western Union, payroll deduction, reverse mortgage, etc. Enclose blank check or write your credit card number in the space provided. Do not fill in the amount. We will do this for you!
6. Six to eight weeks after your registration is received and processed, you will receive your first packet of advance study materials. You are urged to spend several hours studying each evening until the conference starts. Thus you can be assured of getting the most from your conference experience and truly learning how to Keep Your Faith Simple!